Good Teaching is More a Giving of Right Questions than a Giving of Right Answers

Not Just a Highlight Reel: The ePortfolio as Reflection Tool

Why an ePortfolio? That is the question I found myself asking when I was first introduced to the concept last winter. I understood that I needed to highlight how I had met the TRB standards in order to become certified, and that an ePortfolio was a good thing to post to my resume but other than that I simply saw the ePortfolio as a highlight reel of my teacher training.

It wasn’t until our EDUC 431 class at UNBC where Ian Landy, a principal from SD47, presented on ePortfolios as a tool for reflection. Ian explained how ePorfolios should be an archive of our growth and learning. Our portfolios should show our personalized journey towards learning, not just the finished product of our learning. Yes, ePortfolios should highlight the TRB standards and your successes as a teacher, but they should also be a true representation of your growth and understanding as a teacher and learner. Don’t be afraid to show your misses, just make sure you have shown how you grew from them. That is the real  purpose of an ePortfolio.


  1. Taylor deSousa

    I love your outlook on e-portfolios Brielle!! I think its great you are willing to show your progress and how you are growing as an educator. That makes the destination so much more meaningful!

  2. rawalker

    It’s tempting to want to use the e-portfolio as a highlight reel because of how harshly we can be condemned by others for making mistakes. While I won’t name names or point fingers other than at myself, I know I’ve felt so disillusioned at times that I’ve questioned whether or not I should be in the education program. Knowing that shortcomings and challenges are to be expected, though, has given me a newfound desire to keep going, and I plan to record how it goes no matter what happens.

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